Impacts Of Our Anceint Youths,

Honestly speaking, the invasion of the British in Africa/Igbo really has a lot of negative impact…

1st Evangelism Led by Mazi Ezeaku Ejiofor

Truly my dear Africans and Ndi Igbo, we can now assure ourselves with Truth and sincerely…

Stop Engaging your Child in Christianity/jesus

With facts, figures and Evidence, is well clear to now understand that christianity/jesus is Evil deceptive…

Christians Pastors Failed “MOHBAD”

Dear Africans, Igbos and the entire wolrd, this is the reality in which most of our…

Igbo Traditional Naming Ceremony

In Omenala Igbo and among the ceremony of naming a child is one event that comes…

Omenala Igbo Before bible/jesus

Before the arrival of Christianity in the Igbo-speaking regions of West Africa, the Igbo people had…

The Tragic History of African Slavery

African slavery stands as one of the most harrowing and tragic episodes in human history, shaping…

My root

Culture is the intricate web of shared beliefs, values, traditions, customs, arts, and practices that define…

Ndi Uka Chegharia

Scam in Christianity: A “scam” typically refers to a dishonest scheme designed to deceive or defraud…

man to help man

Charity giving, often referred to as philanthropy, is a vital aspect of societies worldwide. It involves…