With facts, figures and Evidence, is well clear to now understand that christianity/jesus is Evil deceptive and demonic to mankind, and that is why we are telling you to quickly remove your children in every of there activities of any kind, this is what we have been talking about, please remove and stop engaging your children in Christian activities because I all Christians are all evil, this is mostly How They always cage our children and then watch them believing that Jesus Christ is for them, Christianity is not for Africa it is evil so we should stop bringing our children and relatives to them, in all churchs like Catholic Church, Pentecostal, Zion Ministries, adoration, synagogue, this is where this charlatans teach our children to believe that Jesus is the only way that they can get and believing is a solution to life, this is a big lie and this is what we have been clamoring and this is what we have been saying, now take for instance, in Catholic Church, they brought out several initiatives to teach our children that they can get anything they want in life through jesus that never exists, is that not evil?, they made them to know that’s Mary give birth to Jesus Christ which made her the first woman to ever cheated on her husband, which is evil, this is a big fake life and fake hope to our children’s, parents should stop bringing their children in any Catholic or any church children’s activities like – HolyCross arc Sunday service, children’s lives Sunday section, baptism teachings, chapels . ETC

My Dear Fellow Africans and NDI IGBO, all parents in general, our children is our future hope and we should not mess up with their future and we should stop telling them that there is a spirit of so called jesus coming to help them in times of problems, our children should be open to reality to face real life, our children should be thought our origin, way of life, they should be open to the origin of their forefathers and Ancestors, in which they are breathing and living through their blood, we should fully engage our children in our Ancestors way of life and their activities by also teaching our children the way our forefathers prays, this will help our children in the future, As children as they are, this is where Christians targets and we should start involving our children letting them know that there’s nothing wrong in our tradition, the more we do this, the more we liberate Our Land in the hands of Bible God and that of Jesus and Christianity in general,